Description: The disc check valve boiler feed check valve is designed
specifically for use on boiler feedwater systems. It is a stainless steel
disc check valve with a soft EPDM seat to ensure tight shut-off against
boiler pressure, even under poor water conditions. The disc check valve is
normally installed between flanges in the boiler feed water line. Cast-in
lugs on the valve body allow the valve to be centralised easily.
Note: The disc check valve is similar in specification and
appearance, but has a slightly different seat design. We recommend only the
disc check valve for boiler feedwater applications.
Standards: Designed and manufactured in accordance with BS 7438.
Standard shut-off: Shut-off standard meets DIN 3230 part 3 BN1 and
BO1 providing a differential pressure exists.
Certification: This product is available with certification to EN
10204 2.2.
Note: all certification/inspection requirements must be stated at the
time of order placement.
WARNING: The disc check valve must not be used on any fluids
categorised as Group 1 according to the E.C. directive on the classification
of dangerous substances, e.g. explosive, flammable, toxic and oxidising
substances. Sizes and pipe connections: DN20, DN25, DN32, DN40 and DN50. The
valves are selected to suit the feedwater line size and are suitable for
installation between the following flanges:- EN 1092 PN6, 10, 16, 25, 40 and
BS 10 Table D, E, F, and H.
The disc check valve is opened by the boiler feedwater pressure
and is closed by its spring as soon as the flow ceases,
preventing reverse flow. The strong spring supports the head of
water in an elevated feedtank when there is no pressure in the
boiler, preventing the boiler flooding. A vacuum breaker is
recommended on the boiler to prevent the valve being drawn off
its seat as the boiler cools. |
information, installation and maintenance:
This document does not contain enough information to install
the Disc check valves safely.
For full details see the Installation and Maintenance
supplied with the product.
Note: Flanges, bolts (or studs), nuts and joint gaskets are to
provided by the installer. Disc check valves are
(no spares are available). Disc check valves are not suitable
for use
where heavily pulsating flow exists.
Installation note:
The Disc check valves is installed in the feedwater line with the flow in
direction of the arrow on the valve body. It may be installed in
plane, and is sandwiched between flanges using suitable gaskets.
The valve is centralised by rotating it until the lugs on the
contact the flange joint bolts. The valve must be installed at
1 metre from the feedpump.
It is essential that there is water on both sides of the valve
at all
times – steam temperatures above 150°C will cause damage to the
EPDM seal. |